Douglasville Dermatology
At Southeast Dermatology Specialists in Douglasville, we offer medical, surgical, cosmetic, and pediatric dermatology services. Our dermatology physicians, providers, and staff are here to serve a variety of conditions from acne to eczema to annual skin checks. Contact us today to book your next appointment!
Working Hours
Monday – Friday
8:00AM – 5:00PM
Saturday – Sunday
Our Location
4645 Timber Ridge Dr
Suite 100, Douglasville, GA 30135
Phone Numbers
Our Providers
Download Forms And Save Time!
Save time! If you are a new patient with an upcoming appointment and would like to complete the registration process prior to your arrival at our office, download our New Patient Form.

Save Big On Our Newest Acne Treatment!!
We are so excited to launch a BRAND-NEW treatment for mild-to-moderate acne. TheraClearX is a non-invasive, FDA-approved treatment with no downtime. And most patients see visible improvement after 2 treatments.
3 Treatments for $600 (regular value of $750)*
5 Treatments for $995 (regular value of $1250)*