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How to Know Whether or Not You’re Aging Well

There are so many benefits to aging; making better connections with friends and family, becoming more independent, appreciating what life truly has to offer, and more. But one downside is that oftentimes the years of experience show up on our skin. Luckily, there are ways to combat the aging process so you can look as good as you feel and determine if you’ll age gracefully in the future. The dermatologists at Southeast Dermatology Specialists are here to help.

What Are the Signs of Aging Skin?

Skin aging can start as young as twenty years old! That means, by the time you reach your 30s, 40s, and beyond, you are sure to see some signs of aging. If you have noticed your skin has become dry or dull, it may be time to speak with your dermatologist about a proper night cream and day cream with SPF. Applying these in your teens and twenties may have made your skin feel sticky, or if you couldn’t find the right cream for you, may have caused acne. As we age, our skin doesn’t hold as much moisture as it used to, so it’s important to talk with your dermatologist to find the right creams for you.

You may also start to notice fine lines and wrinkles. Some start to see crow’s feet around their eyes in their late twenties, and sagging around the mouth as early as their mid-thirties. If you had excessive sun exposure as a child or teen, or smoke, you may see deeper lines and wrinkles than your peers.

Another indicator of aging is age spots. These are typically found on the hands, face, arms, chest, and other areas of the body that are often uncovered in sunnier months. Luckily, a good sunscreen with SPF 50 or higher can reduce the appearance of age spots from appearing if worn before they show up and worn consistently.

What Can I Do to Slow Down Aging?

There are several options when it comes to anti-aging, and it’ll depend on the severity of the issues and your desired results. The easiest step you can take is to wear sunscreen every time you go outside with SPF 30 or higher, reapplying every two hours. Another easy step you can take is investing in regular facials. Your dermatologist may recommend a chemical peel to build collagen and remove mild lines and wrinkles.

If you have deeper wrinkles or aren’t ready for needles, dermal optical thermolysis (DOT) treatment is an excellent option. DOT treatments cause micro-injury through lasers to encourage collagen production to the face. The results are fast, and there will be minimal peeling. Your skin will look fresh and new in 7-10 days.

If you are dealing with deeper lines or wrinkles, talking to your doctor about wrinkle reduction with fillers may be the right path to take. They can give you information on what filler is best for you and your lifestyle so you can take years away from your skin. The results are instant and typically last between 6 months to a year.

We Can Help!

If you’re ready to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles and instead age gracefully, our dermatologists can help. Southeast Dermatology Specialists are here to answer any questions and help you get the skin you’re confident in. We have locations in Douglasville, Columbus, Cartersville, and Rome, GA. Request an appointment today!

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