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How to Celebrate Healthy Skin this National Healthy Skin Month

National Healthy Skin Month

This November, celebrate National Healthy Skin Month by giving a little extra attention to your body’s largest organ. Much about the condition of our epidermis is the result of small, everyday decisions, so taking some time to think about your skin can make a difference in your overall long-term health.

How to Treat Your Skin Better

Take a Look at Your Skin

A self-evaluation is a great first thing to do when you’re thinking about your skin’s condition. If you’ve noticed dryness, oiliness, fine lines, or new pigmented spots but haven’t had the time to really think about changing your routine, take a moment this month to look at your skin and consider whether it may need a change or a treatment.

Think About Your Skincare Routine

Your everyday cleansing routine is your first line of defense against wear as you age. If your skin is dehydrated or isn’t moisturized well enough, lines and wrinkles will show sooner rather than later. On the other hand, skin that is too oily can result in acne at any age from sebum buildup in the pores.

Since people have different dermatological skin types (oily, dry, combination, sensitive, and normal), your personal cleansing and moisturizing needs may vary. Getting in touch with your skin’s habits will help you manage clear, healthy skin.

Go Through Your Products

Skincare products can build up in your cabinet if you’re not careful, especially if you like to experiment with new ones from time to time. Keeping your core skincare tools and products (a cleanser, a moisturizer, and an exfoliant) slimmed down can help avoid using too many of them or holding on to expired products.

Think About Your Diet

Our skin is affected by what we eat, so looking at your diet can be a way to improve your skin’s health. Drinking enough water is important for hydration. Our blood is made from the water we drink, and it delivers the nutrients from the food we eat. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables full of vitamins and minerals, as well as avoiding too many sugars and processed foods, supports radiant, healthy skin.

Get a Facial

Skincare doesn’t have to be all work and routine; it can be an opportunity to relax as well. You can get a facial to do deeper cleansing than you would at home. Facials target specific skin types and conditions by generally cleansing or attending to specifics like wrinkles or acne. A chemical peel or moisturizing facial can give your skin a professional level boost to help your regular maintenance.

Mole Inspection

Skin cancer is the most prevalent cancer around, and the best way to monitor for it is to give your skin regular inspections for any new or strange-looking spots. A new freckle or “age spot” here or there is normal, but sometimes a new discoloration can be a sign of something that requires attention.

Using the “ABCDE” formula, look for spots that are asymmetrical with poorly defined borders, suspiciously colored, larger than a normal body spot, or evolving and changing over time.

Get Treated for Something You’ve Been Putting Off

Going to the dermatologist can be a daunting task, but it’s an important one that can make you feel better in addition to providing solutions to challenges to your skin’s health. If you’ve had warts, dry skin, acne scars, profuse sweating, or anything else that you haven’t had checked out, take this reminder as an opportunity to schedule a consultation today with one of our dermatologists and set up an evaluation.

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