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Acne as a Teen? Here’s How to Fix Your Adult Skin

What to Know About Treating Adult Skin

Adult Skin and Acne

People can still be affected by acne on their face or bodies into adulthood, either due to scars left over or ongoing acne that never really completely went away. Even though there are a few reasons someone might be experiencing acne as an adult, preventative routines, maintenance treatments, and corrective procedures can help you manage your acne-prone skin.

What Causes Acne After Puberty?

When adults experience acne, it can be from a variety of causes. If you had acne as an adolescent, it might be from either a genetic disposition to high sebum production, excessive sweating from an active sporting life, a dietary habit that has carried on, or a combination of those. People with oily skin also have more challenges with clogged pores, since oil captures dirt and dead skin cells. In severe acne cases, inflammation is caused by bacteria that accompanies acne, living in the excess oil trapped in pores.

Pregnant women might experience acne from hormones, since their bodies experience many rapid changes during pregnancy. In general, stress can also be a cause of acne, since the stress hormone cortisol can dry out our skin cells, which is one of the reasons our skin can look dry and dull during particularly taxing periods of life.

Acne Scars

For adults who suffered from acne as adolescents, corrective treatments might be helpful if any scarring was left behind. When inflammation occurs with more severe cases of acne, the presence of extra blood in the area normally activates an enzyme that produces collagen. Sometimes, especially when the skin is overstressed, scar tissue develops in the area. Whether you’re currently dealing with acne or want to attend to the scars that are left over from past breakouts, there are solutions.

Acne Treatments

For everyday home care, acne prevention begins with a routine that cleanses, exfoliates dead cells and buildup, and moisturizes to maintain hydration and avoid dryness. Using acne-fighting products with ingredients like salicylic acid for exfoliation or benzoyl peroxide, which is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, give targeted support in your routine.

Retinol creams are derived from vitamin A and help rejuvenate skin. They can help treat acne by targeting the dermal layer, the source of epidermal skin cells. Retinol can also help with light pigmentation from scarring, since it encourages tissue healing and might be able to break up the clustered cells.

Dermatologist Support

For those with ongoing acne, talking with your dermatologist will help you understand the cause(s) of the acne and develop a skincare strategy from there. They can also provide you with treatments that can help manage your acne or correct scars from the past.

Facials and chemical peels are procedures that can exfoliate and deliver nutrients based on the specific needs of your skin. Depending on your case and needs, these can be performed every month or two for a refresher or as multiple treatments scheduled over a period of time. Light therapy is another effective treatment for acne and acne scars, where low-level UV light exfoliates, diminishes pigmented spots, and stimulates healing for new skin growth. Schedule an evaluation with us at SE Dermatology to identify the right solution for you!

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