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Do You Have Dehydrated Skin?

As summer comes to an end, it’s time to start preparing for colder weather and drier skin. But what if your skin is just dehydrated? If you’re not sure how to tell if your skin is dehydrated, here’s what you need to know.

What’s the Difference Between Dry and Dehydrated Skin?

While dry skin and dehydrated skin might seem almost the same, the truth is that they’re actually quite different. Dry skin is classified as a skin type and is typically an inherited trait. Dry skin is also defined as a skin type that is predisposed to subpar production of natural oils. It can also be connected to hormonal imbalances and hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland). If you have dry skin, oil-based skincare products can help retain more moisture. Dehydrated skin, on the other hand, is a skin condition. Fortunately, it’s also temporary and can be alleviated with a few simple treatments. Dehydrated skin is typically caused by external factors, like weather changes and diet choices. The key difference between dry skin and dehydrated skin is this: dry skin indicates a lack of natural oils, while dehydrated skin indicates a lack of water in the skin. If you’re still not sure whether you have dehydrated skin, look out for these symptoms.

Itchy Skin

Does it feel like you have a dry skin rash or you’re suffering from a mild bout of eczema? Itchy skin can be a telltale sign of dehydrated skin. This sensation is most often caused by a lack of moisture in the air around you. When the moisture is sucked from your outer layer of skin, it can result in a tight, itching feeling. This feeling can also be accompanied by skin flaking.

Increased Skin Sensitivity

When your skin is dehydrated, its natural moisture barrier is depleted. This means it has no way of protecting itself from external irritants, which can result in increased skin sensitivity. This means external environmental stressors, like wind, smoke, and other pollutants might exacerbate redness and irritation. If you know your skin is prone to sensitivity, it’s worth carrying around some moisturizer or eczema cream to help restore your skin’s moisture barrier.

Decreased Skin Brightness

Dull skin is another common symptom of dehydration in your skin. Dehydration also disrupts your skin’s ability to perform cell turnover at the rate it normally does, which means you might have a buildup of excess skin cells that’s keeping your skin from attaining that natural glow. Exfoliation can help you get rid of those dead cells, but make sure you’re careful to moisturize immediately afterwards.

Fine Lines

Dehydrated skin can also make it look like you have fine lines and wrinkles in your skin. When skin is dehydrated, it can present as signs of premature aging. That being said, these fine lines often take shape as a network of tiny triangular lines rather than crow’s feet or smile lines.

Learning how to tell if your skin is dehydrated is an important part of caring for it. If you want to learn more about caring for dehydrated skin, set up an appointment with SE Dermatology Specialists today.

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